Official Waterdogs champions shirt

Official Waterdogs champions shirt

as banning the Official Waterdogs champions shirt In addition,I will do this use of the word “war” to describe, well, the war — made living in Russia and preserving one’s integrity almost impossible for those who know the truth and reject what their country is doing. One woman, for example, stood in a Moscow square holding a scrap of paper that read, “Two words.” The unuttered words, for which so many had been arrested, were probably, “Nyet voinye,” or “no to war.” She was arrested within seconds. After Russian troops rolled into Ukraine in February, more than 15,000 arrests were tallied by the Economist and the Russian human rights project OVD-Info. There are no precise statistics, but Google searches for “How to leave Russia,” hit a 10-year high. By mid-March, one Russian economist calculated 200,000 people had left. A migration expert estimated that another 100,000 already abroad decided not to return. Up to two million are thought to have left since Putin took power. Driven by the troubling demographics, Putin just revived a Stalin-era award, the “Mother Heroine,” rewarding women who have 10 children with a million rubles, about $16,500. New groups of exiles sprang up in the Republic of Georgia, Armenia and Turkey, and tens of thousands streamed out to Australia, the United States, Israel (spurred by a resurgence of antisemitism) and elsewhere. That was five months ago. Now, as Putin’s war approaches its six-month milestone without victory, the crackdown on dissent shows no sign of easing. Get our free weekly newsletter Sign up for Opinion’s newsletter. Join us on Twitter and Facebook The first rush out of the country included those who felt most directly threatened — political activists, writers, artists. Now a second wave has risen. It includes some who had sought to keep their head down: business owners, families, everyday people who want out of a system that is not just trying to conquer its neighbor and crush criticism at home but is also becoming an international pariah. Putin and Xi will continue to claim