Official Donovan mcnabb philly dreamathon shirt

Official Donovan mcnabb philly dreamathon shirt

overturned Roe v. Wade. The math is hard for Democrats This year, Democrats don’t have to lose a lot to lose control of the Official Donovan mcnabb philly dreamathon shirt also I will do this House and Senate. Republicans need to pick up a net total of five seats in the 435-member House of Representatives. The website Inside Elections with Nathan L. Gonzales tracks House and Senate races and it currently thinks there are 169 solid Democratic seats in the House compared with 188 solid Republican seats. Of the “seats in play,” 54 are held by Democrats, 21 are held by Republicans and three seats are up for grabs as they aren’t currently controlled by either party because of redistricting. That means Democrats are essentially on defense in the House. A new ‘Commitment to America.’ Kinda like the ‘Contract with America?’ Republicans are belatedly working to give voters something to vote for rather than simply present an alternative to Democrats. In a riff on the “Contract with America” that helped the GOP take control of the House after the 1994 elections, House Republican leader Kevin McCarthy will unveil a “Commitment to America” in Pittsburgh on September 19, according to Axios. The platform will focus on reducing government spending, securing the border, protecting freedoms like speech and holding government accountable. That last