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and she picked a couple that she liked, which were very different in mood. And I found that really fascinating, but it gave me a sense of both of them,” Sprung said. McCurdy begins his process by taking about 100 photographs of his subject against a white backdrop. After selecting just one to paint from, the Official Donkey pox conservative republican anti biden donkey pox shirt But I will love this rest of the images are destroyed and a 12-18 month process of painting begins. All Obama had to do, McCurdy said, was hold his mark and not move. “He did an excellent job of that,” McCurdy said. The former President was “charming” and “very present,” he said. When Sprung arrived to the White House for a sitting with Michelle Obama, she decided to leave her paints behind — “I didn’t want to leave my mark” — but instead photographed her and chatted as the Obamas’ dogs were barking on the lawn. “I had them move furniture from the Red Room to the Blue Room because the light was better,” she explained in an interview with