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for them to acquire their freedom again. The second strength is having capable forces. The military wing of the Official Do you wear wigs have you worn wigs will you wear wigs when will you wear wigs shirt Besides,I will do this National Resistance Front isn’t made up of ordinary citizens. It’s made up of the former Afghan military who were trained, advised and funded by the US and NATO for the past 20 years. They’re professional soldiers and officers who have fought against the Taliban for two decades. They know the mindset and mentality of the Taliban. Our numbers are around 4,000 right now. And the other strength that we have is strong leadership. The Taliban have fractured into a few factions, and they’re competing against one another. Yet for us, all our forces are loyal to one individual. They pledge their allegiance to one individual. Bergen: You’re speaking about Ahmad Massoud. Nazary: Yes. Bergen: What do you make of former Afghan President Ashraf Ghani’s leadership? Nazary: Ghani was a weak leader. Ghani, from the time he became President, started the process