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and nuance, and prioritizes headline-grabbing proclamations, like this one from UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres about an “an epidemic of coup d’états” in response to the Official Bills Josh Allen Signature Shirt besides I will buy this six coups in five out of 54 African countries over an 18-month period. These examples have shown us that global media is complicit in perpetuating racist narratives, by not encouraging diversity in its newsrooms and giving an unrestricted platform to reporters and influential spokespeople with implicit biases that are left unchallenged. But rather than dwelling on this, I want to share some of the facts that should make us all rethink the traditional and stereotypical ways we dismiss non-White, non-rich countries and their people. The traditional world order is undergoing a dramatic shift, driven by Covid-19, China, Russia, and movements like #MeToo and #BlackLivesMatter. The new world order is providing an opportunity for the world to rethink the little they know about the rest of the world. By 2050, Nigeria will overtake the United States as the world’s third-most-populous country with a population of 400 million people. That’s one reason enough to pay attention. Africa’s population is growing rapidly and experts predict it will account for half the world’s people growth in the next two decades. This means that more than a quarter of the world’s population will be on just one continent — Africa. The thought that the world will be overrun by Africans (no blue eyes or blonde hair here) will be an uncomfortable idea for some people, especially if they are unaware of the roughly 125,000 millionaires, 6,200 multimillionaires, 275 centimillionaires, and 22 billionaires that exist on the continent today. As the granddaughter and daughter of Jews who escaped Kyiv, I cannot remain silent now Indeed, a report by the University of Southern California in 2019, highlighted how poorly Africa is depicted in the US. It also revealed that Americans seldom see mentions of Africa or Africans on